The platform for delivering ultrasound content on the web

Share the sight of new life with anyone, on any device, at any time. Forget DVDs, CDs, and Flash Drives. Technology is changing, and we want your ultrasound experience to change with it. Simply click a link, enter a passcode, and view all ultrasound content online.


platform features

Deliver ultrasound content with technology your clients expect

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Watch the ultrasound video in any browser and on any device.
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All images from the ultrasound are provided in an online gallery.
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Download the video and images to ensure they are saved forever.

We know embracing new technology can be difficult

The Theia Stream platform is built with simplicity in mind


Schedule a session

Schedule a session through the admin dashboard. The client will receive an email with a link to their session page.

Record the session

Record the session with our proprietary app and capture hardware.

Ultrasound video uploads automatically

Complete the recording and the video will be uploaded automatically. Upload images via the admin portal.

Client receives email when content is available

The client will automatically receive an email when images are added and when the video is ready to view.

provider benefits

Run a more efficient business

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Ultrasound Machine Compatibility

Theia Stream is compatible with all ultrasound machines.
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New Revenue Stream

We do not control what, or if, you charge for using Theia Stream. Find a price that works best for you and your clients.
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Grow Business

Offering Theia Stream gives your business a competitive advantage.
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Spend more time focusing on your business. Clients automatically receive an email when their video is ready to view and when images are added.
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Save Time and Money

No more buying and wasting time with DVDs, CDs, or Flash Drives.
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Customer Support

Contact us easily by phone or email to receive fast support for any issues or questions.

Easy to use

Manage schedule

Manage sessions, schedules, and upload images directly from our easy to use admin dashboard.


Content is encrypted and secured with an access code to prevent unauthorized viewing.

Used in many ultrasound facilities all around the country

Established in 2017, Theia Stream is trusted in the ultrasound industry. Over 2,000,000 images and videos provided through our platform across more than 100,000 ultrasound sessions
Compatible with all modern devices


User-friendly web app is compatible with all modern devices and browsers.

We offer a simple flat rate plan


Unlimited Plan

Per ultrasound studio

  • Unlimited Video Uploads
  • Unlimited Image Uploads
  • Phone and Email Support
  • No Minimum Contract Length
  • No Startup or Equipment Costs
  • No Cancellation Fees

Contact Us

Contact us to get started today!

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